I caught the eye of a master class of packaging paper boxes, impressed. I took it to my "piggy Bank", to my blog. Share with you.

7. We weave until the top will not stick out the ends of the length of about 6 cm. Then we bend them inside, weave, glue. You can finish earlier. Then you need to cut off too long tails. The product looks very stylish, the box is light, convenient, and in demand.
Wicker basket made of paper is ready
Every housewife will have some wrapping paper stashed away after shopping in case of "wrapping something".
Materials and tools necessary for making a wicker box from paper:
— packaging paper (thin and strong);
— sewing machine;
— PVA glue;
— paper clips or clothespins for fixing glue.
— packaging paper (thin and strong);
— sewing machine;
— PVA glue;
— paper clips or clothespins for fixing glue.
Job description:
1. Align and straighten the paper. Fold out of it the strips as long as possible in four additions. Band width is obtained 5-7 cm Length strips — a little more than 1 m.
1. Align and straighten the paper. Fold out of it the strips as long as possible in four additions. Band width is obtained 5-7 cm Length strips — a little more than 1 m.
2. With the two sides a large stitch decorative stitching, having receded 5 mm from the edge. If you use short-length paper, sew several strips into one meter. At the same time, insert the paper strips one into the other by 5 cm.
3. Make 8 long strips. Stack 4 of them side by side. The remaining 4 are woven in the center. Method: up, down, up, down. Each next strip is intertwined in a staggered order in relation to the previous one. We will have the wrong side where the edges are torn off.
4. So that the strips do not fidget, and the weave does not spread, we fix the edge of the weave with glue, glue the upper and lower strips. So we get the bottom of the box of paper.
5. Next, all the strips are raised, bending at an angle of 90 degrees. They will become a vertical base for the walls. Bend, put on glue and fix it with clothespins or paper clips. We remove the retainers only when we weave the walls.
6. We begin to braid the walls. The edges of the strips are hidden on the wrong side, gluing the glue to the vertical ones.

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