вторник, 3 мая 2016 г.

Daffodils made of corrugated paper

The following materials were needed for the work:

- corrugated paper (white, yellow and purple);

- PVA glue;

- printer paper;

- spoke 2 mm, for the rolling of tubes;

- green and yellow paint (to give a brighter color, because the corrugated paper itself was a little dull, it seemed to me);

To begin with, cut out the petals of the flower itself, slightly stretched each petal, gave each the desired shape

Glued them together

I twisted the stem out of photocopy paper and painted it green.

I made a middle of yellow corrugated paper, and a petal of green paper, 

and all connected.

My daffodils "grow" in a pot made of Newspapers... At the bottom, for the stability of the flowers themselves, I put foam and stuck the stems, glued cotton wool on top (imitation of snow), and sprinkled with dried tea leaves (imitation of earth).

A bouquet of daffodils is ready.

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